Jumat, 18 November 2011


Maybe some of us have had the means of payment which we often call the Credit Card. Right now everyone is very easy to get it, it could be a single person can earn 2-5 credit cards at once.I will discuss the issue prior understanding Credit Cards:According to the Expert Dictionary is defined: "cards issued by banks and the like to allow the bearer to purchase items needed by debt. While the Arab Economy in the dictionary explains, "a kind of special card issued by the bank-as-card expenditures, then the amount will be paid later. The bank will provide to its customers globally that account to be paid monthly, or to directly debited from his account that are still functioning. "(Ahmad Zaki Badwi 1984, p.. 62)
If you are the type of consumer is very dangerous, because we are so difficult to control all the things we buy because we are still able to pay by Credit Card with a certain limit. We try to bring the credit card is only to places that provide these purposes we need. This serves to minimize the use of outer d angaran that we have set in early. If we forget to pay credit card bills we will pay interest that is not comparable when we mebayar these bills in cash through an ATM or cash to banks that have been d point.

Advantages using credit card: 
1. Replace Tool For Payment 
2. The risk is lower than carrying cash.
 3. As a Backup 
4. Helping Top Payment and Claims Payment Household
 5. Can be used around the world because the issuing bank in cooperation with the international financial network that is recognized around the world.
 6. Benefits of current widespread because the issuing bank has worked with some merchants to provide special discounts with credit cards.

Disadvantages Using Credit Card

1. Cards can be broken other people are dishonest, for example if the seller is not honest then he would rub the credit slip more than 1 time before we signed. He will charge into the bank for another transaction using a second slip by stating that forged our signatures as in the first slip.
2. If we need money or want to spend more of its capabilities, we can still use the card, but that is often overlooked by consumers is the percentage of consumer credit interest rates are very high ..
3. Payments per year is quite expensive, including additional payments for withdrawing money abroad, including Internet transactions on the website that is outside the country.
4. Exchange value of money is determined by the issuing bank, so sometimes the bank somewhat arbitrarily to give a daily average exchange value of money.
5. At the time of taking cash from an ATM, then the fee charged directly capture the amount of about 30 to 40 thousand (depending on the institution issuing the credit card).

Having one easy payment tools such as Credit Card is not a bad thing or a loss, but how do we mensiasatinya is the key to be able to avoid faults us in managing our personal financial budget.

 SOURCE : http://konsultasi-aya.blogspot.com/2009/06/pengertian-dan-kegunaan-kartu-kredit.html


The occurrence of natural events is due to partial or entire lunar surface is covered by the shadow of the earth.Well, during the lunar eclipse, the earth was in a position halfway between the moon and sun. These three celestial bodies are located in the same straight line, if you have this
automatically blocked by the Earth's sun. Finally, sunlight can not reach because of blocked by the Earth's moon.

In other words, an eclipse of the moon appears when the position of the moon opposite the sun. But because of the slope field of the moon's orbit to the plane of the ecliptic, it is not any opposition to the moon with the sun will result in the occurrence of a lunar eclipse.
The definition of the ecliptic is a plane edar form an imaginary line into the path trajectories of heavenly bodies around a central point in the solar system.
The intersection area of ​​the moon's orbit to the ecliptic plane will bring 2 pieces of cut points called nodes, that is the point at which the moon cuts the ecliptic plane. This lunar eclipse will occur when the moon is in opposition to the nodes.
Moon takes 29.53 days to move from one point of opposition to the other opposition point. So it should be, if there is an eclipse of the moon, will be followed by a solar eclipse because the two nodes are located on a line connecting the sun with the earth.
Actually, in the event lunar eclipse, the moon is often still visible. Why? Because there is still sunlight that is deflected toward the moon by the earth's atmosphere. And most of the deflected beam has a red light spectrum.That is why at the time of lunar eclipse, the moon will appear dark, copper can be colored red, orange, or brown. Lunar eclipses can be observed with the naked eye and not dangerous at all. Unlike solar eclipses, hazardous when viewed with the naked eye.

 source : http://reyrey.blog.uns.ac.id/2009/12/14/fenomena-terjadinya-gerhana-bulan/