Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011


  • Change Into Passive voice

1. Mr. K asked them to pay the school fee in time.
They were asked by Mr. K to pay the school fee in time.
2. Should we do the remedial test in a piece of paper ?
Should the remedial test be done by us in a piece of paper ?
3. You must not forget to write your name.
Your name must not be forgotten to write.
4. Are you speaking English during the English class ?
Is english being spoken by you during the class ?
5. She crossed the answers several times.
The answers were crossed several times.
6. We have finished doing our task before other students.
Our task has been finished doing by us before other students.
7. Will you be waiting for them all day long ?
Will they be being waited for all day long?
8. We celebrated the 47th anniversary of our school yesterday.
The 47th anniversary of our school was celebrated by us yesterday.
9. They were having dinner when suddenly the stove exploded
Dinner was being had when suddenly the stove exploded.
10. The teacher had punished them for something they did not do.
They had been punished by the teacher for something they did not do.

  • Change Into Active voice

 11. We are invited for lunch by the headmaster
The headmaster invites us for lunch.
12. Many students are being given the English remedial test by Mr. T
Mr.T is giving many students the English remedial test.
13. Was English being studied diligently by them last night ?
Were they studying English diligently last night?
14. This test has been being finished in 45 minutes by students.
The students have finished this test in 45 minutes.
15. Have they been being taught math by Mr. Good for three years ?
Has Mr. Good  been teaching them math for three years ?


  • Active voice to Passive voice

1.Mr T tell us to close our notebook.
   We are told to close our notebook.
2.We must write this test in a piece of paper.
     This test must be written in a piece of paper. 
3.I should not forget my name too.
    My name should not be forgotten too .
4.The students speak English during the English class.
    English is spoken by the students during the english class.
5.Did anyone ask any questions about me?
    Were any questions asked about me?
6.I cannot do this test during the time given.
   This test cannot be done during the time given.
7.We have been waiting for him all day long.
   He has been being waited all day long.
8. Mr Jack has invited you to lunch tomorow.
   You have been invited (by Mr. Jack) to lunch tomorrow. 
9.The students did not do the English test easily.
   The English test was not done easily.
10.Must you check the answer before you give it back?
    Must the answer be checked (by you) before you give it back? 
11.We are doing the passive test in the Multi Media room.
    The passive test is being done (by us) in the Multi Media room. 
12.Would you join the remedial test if you got bad mark again?
    Would the remedial test be joined (by you) if you bad mark again?

  • Passive voice to Active voice

13.The white board has been cleaned by you.
     You have cleaned the white board. 
14.The interview will be done in this room by us.
     We will do the interview in this room. 
15.English was being studied diligently by them last night.
    They were studying English diligently last night. 
16.This test must be finished in 45 minutes by students.
    Students must finish this test in 45 minutes. 
17.We have been being taught by Mr. Sus for three years.
    Mr. Sus has been teaching us math for three years. 
18.Will the coming UAN test be being faced by you in the month of April?
    Will you be facing the coming UAN in the month of April? 
19.The vocabulary book should be submitted by us this morning.
    We should submit the vocabulary book this morning. 
20.Batik shirts must be worn by the students on Friday.
    The students must wear batik shirts on Friday.

  • Active voice to Passive voice (two object)
21.Mr. Fajar is showing us his new blog.
     a. We are being shown his new blog.
     b. His new blog is being shown to us. 
22.They will be asking her several question.
     a. She will be being asked for them several questions.
     b. Several questions will be being asked to her. 
23.Mrs. Nanik has been reading them another story.
     a. They have been being read another story.
     b. Another story has been being read to them. 
24.Does he tell you the new law of Archimedes?
     a. Is the new law of Archimedes told to you by him? 
     b.you told the new law of Archimedes by him?
25.We should have been given our new projects before he came here.
     a. He should have been given our new projects before he came here.
     b. Our new projects should have been given to him before he came here.

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011


haha maapin ya posting tentang ini . :p soalnya aku hobby ngupil sih :D ssssttt jgn bilang bilang ya :D. pernah gak kamu ngupil ? pernah kan ? pernah dong pasti. haha mau elu yang gantengnya kayak gmana cantiknya kayak gmanapun pasti pernah ngupil :p. inget inget deh kapan terahir kali kamu ngupil ? seminggu yang lalu ?#kelamaan keburu numpuk di idung, kemaren ? sejam yang lalu ? atauu malah sekarang lagi ngupil nih ? hayooo :DD hahaha
eh orang ngupil tu orang sehat tauk , coba kalo orang lagi pilek ato bahkan lagi mimisan :O pasti sungkan kan buat ngupil . wkwkwkw gausah malu malu deh buat ngakuin kalo suka ngupil . aku aja jujur nih . aku ngupil lovers . hahaha #lebe

sebenernya apasih upil itu ?upil itu sebuahh emm apa ya .. benda eh bukan emm ya pokoknya upil itu berbentuk seperti kristal berwarna keabuabuan hingga hitam.(halah pasti tau deh) terbentuk dari beberapa butir debu, lendir hidung. dan partikel partikel yang lain . terjadi akibat proses pernafasan nah didalam idung kita nih ada bulu idung lendir dan lain sebagainya. lendir itu diantaranya bermanfaat untuk menyetabilkan kelembaban d dalem idung dan bulu idung nih bermanfaat buat nyaring kotoran. Alhamdulillah ya Tuhan ngasih kita bulu idung sama lendir. biar debu yang ikut sama saluran pernafasan kagak ikut masuk kedaam paruparu. kalok ga ada trs gmana ? mau ngupil d paruparu ? mana bisa ? haha 

eh tapi ngupil tu selain bisa memberikan  kenikmatan tersendiri juga bermanfaat lho. diantaranya buat bersihin kotoran hidung, coba kalo gak ngupil kyk gmana tuh lubang idung haha :p
siapa yang uda pernah mencicipi upil ? aku sih pernah :D jujur nih aku . pas kecil aku juga udah hobby banget ngupil. tiap ada waktu luang dan hidung serasa gak enak mulai nih jari telunjukku beraksi. melakukan penggalian sambil merem melek :D haha nikmat deh pokoknya. saking penasarannya pas udah ada upil d jari tangan iseng iseng aku menjilatnya . haha ternyata upil tu asinn :D dah tau kan ? tau dong pasti :P

ihh jangan ilfil ya baca postinganku yang sedikit ngaco ini . haha

nih aku mau bagi bagi tips gimana seharusnya kalo ngupil

Cari Tempat Yang Nyaman
jadi gini nih jangan ditempat yang rame apa lagi pas ada adekmu lari-larian, ntar kalo lagi enak-enakan ngupil ketabrak adek kan malah bisa gawat. mimisann hadee batal dah ngupil. tapi jangan terlalu ditempat umum juga, kalo kagak malu sih ya silahkan aje sih . hadee
ane saranin dah ngupil ditempat yang sepi. jangan sampe ada yang tau elu lagi disitu. ntar lagi enak enaknya ngupil malah dipanggil mama suruh beli cabe . eeehhh batal dah ngupilnya (curat) ehehehe 

Gunakan Jari Yang Tepat
maksudnya nih kamu mesti caritau mana jari yang tepat buat ngeluarin upil imut itu. kalo aku sih nyaman pake jari telunjuk. entah kalo kamu. tapi janan pake ibu jari ya. kasian tuh lobang idung kalo d masukin ibujari, kagak muat. tapi jangan pake jari tengah juga lho takutnya si imut kagak mau keluar soalnya ketakutan sama jari tengahmu. :D

Bertanggung Jawab
nah yang ini nih bangyak manusia-manusia tidak bertanggung jawab setelah berhasil mengeluarkan si imut dari lubang idung. ngaku deh pasti kalo abis ngupil nempatinnya sembarangan kan ? dibawah meja. bawah kursi, tembok, lantai, :O iya kan ? haha mulai sekarang nih mari jaga kebersihan. simpen upilnya di tisu terus d buang deh, tapi kalo mau di koleksi juga gak ada yang nglarang kok. asalkan jangan sampe tau oranglain aja. malu-maluin . apalagi sampe ketawan mama. bisabisa dibuang tuh . haha

Bersikaplah Dewasa
ngaku deh sekarang siapa yang masih kayak anak kecil ?
tau mainan was apa plastisin ato apalah itu namanya lupa aku. jangan jadikan upil seperti itu yang bisa dibentuk-bentuk. mari mulailah bersikap dewasa :D

Berperilaku Adil
Jangan biarkan salah satu lobang hidung Anda cemburu dan dibiarkan penuh dengan upil hanya gara-gara Anda selalu ngupil di satu sisi lobang saja. Bila hari ini lobang hidung sebelah kiri sudah plong dan bebas upil, ada baiknya giliran sisi satunya anda eksplorasi di hari berikutnya. Kalau perlu buatlah jadwal ngupil supaya teratur.

jika abis mengupil anda harus pelit. jangan dibagiin sama orang lain . cukuplah rasakan kenikmatan itu sendiri, larangan keras nih maksa temen buat ngrasain upil yang udah kita dapetin tadi , hhahaaha buat diri sendiri aja deh.

Lakukan ngupil di lobang hidung sendiri, jangan di hidung teman. Ingat, belum tentu orang lain merelakan lobang hidungnya dikorek-korek, padahal maksud Anda sebenarnya baik. Malah bisa-bisa Anda dilaporkan polisi dan terkena pasal pengupilan.

dan yang terahir nih ; Gaya Hidup Sehat
mari lestarikan mengupil jadikan ini sebagai motto "TIADA HARI TANPA NGUPIL".

salam UPIL LOVERS d(^_^)b

makasih bagi yang udah baca postingan ini :D maapin ya kalo ada salah salah ngomong. maap jugak kalo agak sedikit menjijikkan . karena postingan ini saya buat hanya untuk seru-seruan belaka :D hahahaha